About counter claims

If you are a respondent in a case for the Rent Disputes Tribunal, you may have your own claims against the complainant that you want processed. By using our digital reply form when you send in your response, you can fill out a counter claim at the same time.
Often it is not necessary to send in a counter claim, even though you have your own counter claims. If you disagree with a claim on NOK 10 000, because you think you have your own claim on NOK 10 000, its sufficient to send in a reply. In your response you can write that you disagree because you think you have your own claim to NOK 10 000. If you, on the other hand, in the same situation think you have your own claim to NOK 20 000, you can send in a counter claim where you claim NOK 10 000 from the opposing part.
If you are not able to use our digital reply form when you send in your counter claim, you must send in the counter claim through the ordinary mail, with your original signature. It is not sufficient to send in the counter claim as an attachment in an e-mail.