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We hope that you find the answer to what you are looking for here on our website. If you cannot find the answer to you question, you can contact us by e-mail or by phone.
We often receive questions about these problems:
The tenant owes rent at the end of the tenancyIllegal deposit - what do you do?The landlord claims compensation TerminationContact information
22 59 31 50, open Monday to Friday from 09.00-12.00.
Mail address
Postboks 5118 Majorstuen,
0302 Oslo
Articles about tenancy law
What is a legal deposit?
A deposit is an agreed amount of money that the tenant places in a locked bank account in the tenants name. It is meant as security to the landlords potential c...

Can the tenant withhold rent, claim reduction or compensation?
If the property has a defect, the tenant can i some circumstances withhold a part of the rent, claim rent reduction or compensation.

In what conditions must the residence be be upon return?
The tenant is obligated to return the residence in the agreed upon condition.