Hopp til hovedinnhold

Do you need legal advice?


The Rent Disputes Tribunal has an objective role. We can give you non-specific guidance pursuant to the tenancy act and the case processing. You can find helpful information on our website.

Read more about your rights and obligations Read more about common disagreements Read more about the case process in the Rent Disputes Tribunal

Do you need legal advice?

You need to contact someone other than us if you need advice about what you should do, a temporary assessment of a disagreement or someone to represent you. Below you find an overview of organizations that can help you with legal aid. Some of these organizations give our free legal help.

Are you considering having help from a lawyer in a case with us?

In cases for the Rent Disputes Tribunal the most common is for the parties to send in information themselves. Only a few parties are represented by a lawyer. There is a high threshold for awarding expenses due to legal counsel from the opposite part.


Huseiernes Landsforbund
Husleiernes Landsforbund is an interest organization for landlords, which offers legal assistance and legal aid.

Leieboerforeningen is a national organization for tenants, which offers which offers legal assistance and legal aid.

Leieboerforeningen i Norge
Leieboerforeningen i Norge is a national organization, who cooperate with a law firm and offer legal assistance.

BoligMentoren is an interest organization for home owners, who offer free aid and legal advice to its members relating to property and housing, including tenancy. Boligmentoren also has in place agreements that give members discounts on legal counsel.

Fri Rettshjelp
Fri rettshjelp is a legal aid offer created by the public to help people receiving necessary legal aid, regardless of the persons financial situation. The government can, if certain requirements are fulfilled, cover some of your expenses for a lawyer. All lawyer can apply for free legal aid for you.

Kontoret for Fri Rettshjelp
Fri rettshjelp is a public legal aid offer that is run by the Oslo kommune, with government subsidies.

Jussbuss is a free legal aid offer run by student who offer free legal counselling.

JURK, Juridisk Rådgivning for Kvinner
JURK is a free legal aid offer for women run by students who offer free legal counselling.

Jusshjelpa i Nord-Norge
Jusshjelpa is a free legal aid offer run by student who offer free legal counselling.

Jussformidlingen is a free legal aid offer run by student who offer free legal counselling.

Legal Aid Trondheim
Legal Aid Trondheim is a free legal aid offer created under Kirkens Bymisjon.

Forbrukerrådet is an interest organization for all consumers of goods and services in Norway.

Bergen Huseierforening
Bergen Huseierforening is an interest organization for home owners and landlords. The organization gives advice and guidance to its members on tenancy matters and other legal issues regarding homeownership.

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