Can the landlord claim additional rent due to more people moving in?
The landlord cannot claim additional rent even though more people move into the residence.
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Paying rent
If the property has a defect, the tenant can in some circumstances withhold part of the rent, claim a rent reduction or compensation.
That the property has a defect means that it is not in accordance with the tenancy agreement. If nothing else is agreed upon, the property should be in ordinary good use.
Before the tenant can withhold rent or claim a rent reduction or compensation, the landlord must be given the opportunity to repair the defect. Repairs must happen within a reasonable time after the tenant has notified the landlord about the defect.
If the landlord does not repair the defect within reasonable time, the tenant can claim a reduction in rent or compensation. The tenant can also choose to withhold rent to secure their claims.
If the tenant chooses to withhold rent, the amount that is withheld must be proportional to the defect and the amount of the tenant's alleged claim. The landlord must be notified why the tenant is withholding rent, and how much of the rent is being withheld.
The tenant should place the amount in a separate account in a bank, provided for this service, which can only be disposed of by the tenant and landlord jointly.
The water heater is broken and must be changed. The tenant has given written notification to the landlord about the defect, but the landlord has not done anything to repair the water heater. If it takes a long time before the landlord has it repaired, the tenant can claim a proportional reduction in rent.
The landlord cannot claim additional rent even though more people move into the residence.
The tenant has a right to pay the rent by placing it in a bank account.
During the tenancy the agreed upon amount of rent cannot be adjusted more than the law permits. The Tenancy Act gives way for two ways to regulate the rent.
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