Can the landlord claim additional rent due to more people moving in?
The landlord cannot claim additional rent even though more people move into the residence.
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Paying rent
The tenant has a right to place the rent in a bank account. If the tenant still chooses to pay the rent in cash, and disputes occur at a later stage, it is the tenant who must prove that the payment was actually made. The tenant should, for this reason, always require a receipt from the landlord if the rent is paid in cash.
The Tenancy Act section 3-3 (Norwegian)The landlord cannot claim additional rent even though more people move into the residence.
If the property has a defect, the tenant can i some circumstances withhold a part of the rent, claim rent reduction or compensation.
During the tenancy the agreed upon amount of rent cannot be adjusted more than the law permits. The Tenancy Act gives way for two ways to regulate the rent.
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