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Service of complaints and decisions

The Rent Disputes Tribunal must make sure that the complaint and the decision is made known and available to you. This is called service.

How service happens


Service by letter

Service usually happens by letter, with a deadline to send in a confirmation (receipt) to us.


Service by the enforcement officer

If we do not receive a confirmation that the complaint or the decision is received, we can ask the enforcement officer (the police) to serve the documents to the parties. The police can seek the part out at home or at their work place.


Service by announcement

If the enforcement officer is not able to serve the complaint or the decision, the documents can be served by announcement. Complaints are announced in a paper in the area where the party was last known to stay, in Norsk Lysingsblad and by announcement at the Rent Dispute Tribunal's office. Decisions are announced by announcement at the Rent Dispute Tribunal's office.

Norsk Lysingsblad is a website for the publication of information about different claims, disputes and similar affairs.

Go to announcements in Norsk Lysingsblad

If you recieve different kinds of documents in the case, we do not need confirmation that you have received the documents.

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