The landlord does not show up on the day of moving out

If the landlord does not show up on the day you have agreed on the tenant moving out, the tenant should check the residence, take pictures and write down all damages and defects.
If the notice period is expired and the landlord is not available to receive the keys, the tenant should send the keys in a recorded delivery to the landlord as soon as possible.
Recorded delivery means that the tenant receives a receipt for the letter being sent and that the landlord gets a notification from Posten (the Norwegian postal service) that he has received a letter he needs to pick up. The point of a recorded delivery is for the tenant to have evidence that he delivered the keys to the landlord. If the landlord is unavailable, the tenant can claim the expenses for the recorded delivery covered by the landlord
If the tenant keeps the keys and consequently access to the residence, instead of returning the keys to the landlord, the tenant risks paying rent until the keys is returned.
Other disputes than can occur
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It is beneficial to write a protocol together
The landlord and tenant should go through the residence together both when the tenant is moving in and moving out, and fill out a protocol.

When the tenant refuses to move out
The tenant is obligated to move out when the tenancy or the notice period has expired.

Compensation for lost rent
Lost rent means lost rental income in a period where the landlord normally could expect rent. The landlord may claim compensation for lost rent from the tenant.