The tenant has left their belongings

Has the tenant left something?
If the tenant has left something at the residence, the landlord can take care of this and require that the tenant covers the cost. The landlord may for example rent a storage unit, or keep the objects at the residence until the tenant pays for the storage or picks up their belongings.
The landlord may, if possible, be required to send a written notification to the tenant encouraging them to pick up their belongings.
If the costs or inconvenience with storing the belongings become too big, the landlord can sell the belongings. The landlord can also sell the belongings if the tenant waits an unreasonably long before picking them up or paying for the storage.
The landlord can throw out trash and other scraps that the tenant leaves. This also applies to belongings it must assumed has so little value that the cost of selling them exceeds the rewards.
The Tenancy Act section 10-4 (Norwegian)Other disputes than can occur
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It is beneficial to write a protocol together
The landlord and tenant should go through the residence together both when the tenant is moving in and moving out, and fill out a protocol.

When the tenant refuses to move out
The tenant is obligated to move out when the tenancy or the notice period has expired.

Compensation for lost rent
Lost rent means lost rental income in a period where the landlord normally could expect rent. The landlord may claim compensation for lost rent from the tenant.