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Deposit and guarantee

Easily explained

Deposits and guarantees are the two options for the parties to ensure that the landlord has a security for his claims after the tenancy agreement. This ensures that the landlord receives money if the tenant for example does not pay rent.

For the landlord to have a right to security in the form of a deposit or a guarantee, the parties must have agreed to this.


A deposit is an amount of money that the tenant pays, and is set aside as security for the landlord's claims after the tenancy agreement. The deposit must be placed in a locked bank account (a deposits account) in the tenants name.

The Tenancy Act section 3-5 (Norwegian)


A guarantee is a promise from someone other than the tenant, for example an insurance company or Nav, who ensures the landlord's claims after the tenancy agreement.

Read more about guaranteeThe Tenancy Act section 3-6 (Norwegian)

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