The landlord requires payment in addition to the rent

Does the landlord require payments in addition to the rent? The Tenancy Act has rules for what the landlord can require you to pay.
Check your contract
In most contracts it will say what you are paying in rent, and when the rent is due. In some contracts is also says what is included in the rent.
If it is agreed upon that you must pay extra, for example for electricity, this will usually be written in the contract.
What can the landlord require you you pay for?
It can be agreed upon that the tenant must pay their share of the consumption of electricity, water and drainage. Requiring you to pay for other expenses in addition to the rent will be in violation of the law.
The landlord cannot require that you pay extra for internet. If the tenant wants you to cover the expenses for internet, this must be included in the agreed rent.
The landlord can however choose to not offer TV or internet. In this case you must arrange your own subscription if you want TV or internet in the residence.
What can the landlord require the tenant to pay?The Tenancy Act section 3-1 (Norwegian) The Tenancy Act section 3-4 (Norwegian)Other disputes than can occur
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